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中国西南喀斯特石漠化地区人口-资源-环境-经济矛盾十分突出,严重制约了地区的可持续发展。基于该地区的深度贫困县——广西德保县的2014—2019年各乡镇社会、经济、人口等维度的面板数据,以空间贫困为理论导向,运用空间动态面板模型和GWR模型探索了石漠化地区县域贫困影响因素及溢出效应。空间动态自回归模型结果表明,各乡镇当年的贫困发生率表现出较大的惯性;农村居民恩格尔系数的下降、农村医疗卫生水平的提高、就业水平的提升、少数民族占比的下降、人口密度的降低均可明显地促进地区减贫。空间动态杜宾模型估计结果不仅支持了空间动态自回归模型结果,而且表明农村居民恩格尔系数、农村医疗卫生水平、人口密度分别表现出显著的有益、不利和有益的外溢效应,长期影响更深远。GWR模型结果表明其影响效果具有明显的空间差异性。  相似文献   
减贫是联合国2030年可持续发展目标的首位目标,厘清普惠金融对农村贫困的作用机理与成效,可为乡村扶贫开发提供新视角、新路径。论文基于可持续生计分析框架探究农村普惠金融的减贫机理,并集成多源数据与多元方法对农村普惠金融的减贫效应、作用路径与影响的异质性进行了系统性实证检验。研究发现:农村普惠金融的减贫作用存在直接与间接双重路径。三维贫困标准下农村普惠金融指数对多维贫困发生率的减缓边际效应为67.5%,且减贫效应稳健。农村普惠金融的减贫效应存在群体差异,因贫困群体的贫困程度、受教育水平与贫困类型不同而呈分异特征,对深度贫困群体和低受教育水平贫困群体的减贫效应相对较小,对收入贫困、就业贫困、健康贫困与生活贫困均具减缓效应。需要科学识别农村普惠金融与贫困群体/地区的耦合过程,实现普惠金融的差异化供给及其与农村教育的深入关联以提升农村普惠金融减贫的深度、广度与可持续性。  相似文献   
农户脱贫稳定性研究可为深度贫困地区巩固脱贫攻坚成果和乡村振兴有效衔接提供重要的理论依据。论文基于可持续生计视角进一步厘定了“农户脱贫稳定性”概念,从自然资本、物质资本、社会资本、人力资本和金融资本5个维度构建了农户脱贫稳定性评价指标体系,选取地处深度贫困地区的贵州省天柱县为研究区,测算1295户样本农户脱贫稳定性指数,基于不同方法共同识别影响因素并探究影响机理,提出构建稳定脱贫的长效机制。结果表明:① 研究区农户脱贫稳定性指数整体水平偏高,脱贫稳定性较强,但农户个体差异性显著,其中物质资本和自然资本维度的脱贫稳定性较高,金融资本其次,人力资本和社会资本维度的脱贫稳定性较低,返贫风险较大;② 农户脱贫稳定性类型主要以一般型或稳定型为主,脱贫稳定性综合指数中各类型占比分布从高到低大致呈“水滴”特征,有12.44%的样本农户处于临界型,返贫风险较大;③ 技能培训、外出务工人口占比、土地流转、转移性收入占比、到乡镇政府距离和到主干道距离是影响研究区农户脱贫稳定性的主要影响因素;④ 构建了能力提升、产业培育、激发动力、完善基础设施和拓展就业“五位一体”的深度贫困地区农户脱贫稳定性长效机制。  相似文献   
戢晓峰  李武  陈方 《干旱区地理》2019,42(3):645-652
为科学测度连片特困地区物流业发展的减贫效应,基于熵权-TOPISIS模型对贫困程度进行评估,并以综合贫困指数为被解释变量,表征物流业发展水平的6个指标(货物周转量、物流业增加值、公路网密度、规模以上工业产值、社会消费零售总额和货物平均运距)为解释变量,引入空间杜宾模型(SDM)计量县域尺度下物流业发展对区域减贫的直接影响和空间溢出效应。研究表明:物流业增加值、路网密度和规模以上工业产值对区域减贫具有显著的直接效应,物流业增加值每增加108元,本县(区)的综合贫困指数将降低0.060;货物周转量、公路网密度和规模以上工业产值对区域减贫的间接(空间溢出)作用明显,本县(区)货物周转量每增加108 t·km-1,毗邻县(区)的综合贫困指数将降低0.020。均衡物流产业的空间分布、完善物流基础设施和调动贫困县(区)物流需求,是发挥物流减贫效应的有效措施。  相似文献   
The potential of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects to deliver pro-poor benefits at the community level is examined. Both regular CDM and premium add-on standard projects are evaluated, including the Gold Standard and Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) Standard, through the use of seven poverty indicators. Some key characteristics associated with providing pro-poor benefits are also identified. Finally, the market potential of a revised or new premium add-on standard explicitly designed to deliver pro-poor benefits is assessed through the use of a survey. The results indicate that regular CDM projects are only moderately successful at delivering pro-poor benefits. Although the few projects registered that utilize the CCB Standard all performed well in delivering pro-poor benefits, those that used the Gold Standard performed only slightly better than regular CDM projects. Characteristics associated with providing pro-poor benefits include the use of add-on standards, a high level of stakeholder participation, and the development of projects by not-for-profit and government/intergovernmental organizations. The survey of carbon market participants indicated both an interest and desire for Certified Emission Reduction (CER) credits with pro-poor benefits attached and shows that the market potential for such a standard to be quite good.

Policy relevance

This analysis of the CDM goes beyond sustainable development to consider the potential of a project to deliver pro-poor benefits at the local community level. Specific characteristics associated with projects are identified that appear to deliver pro-poor benefits that may benefit future project design. Through this analysis and identifying these characteristics, actions may be taken to incorporate those into CDM project requirements or guidelines to advance the mechanism as a means to contribute to poverty alleviation.  相似文献   
A research agenda is currently developing around the linkages between ecosystem services and poverty alleviation. It is therefore timely to consider which conceptual frameworks can best support research at this nexus. Our review of frameworks synthesises existing research on poverty/environment linkages that should not be overlooked with the adoption of the topical language of ecosystem services. A total of nine conceptual frameworks were selected on the basis of relevance. These were reviewed and compared to assess their ability to illuminate the provision of ecosystem services, the condition, determinants and dynamics of poverty, and political economy factors that mediate the relationship between poverty and ecosystem services. The paper synthesises the key contributions of each of these frameworks, and the gaps they expose in one another, drawing out lessons that can inform emerging research. Research on poverty alleviation must recognize social differentiation, and be able to distinguish between constraints of access and constraints of aggregate availability of ecosystem services. Different frameworks also highlight important differences between categories of services, their pathways of production, and their contribution to poverty alleviation. Furthermore, we highlight that it is important to acknowledge the limits of ecosystem services for poverty alleviation, given evidence that ecosystem services tend to be more associated with poverty prevention than reduction. We conclude by reflecting on the relative merits of dynamic Social–Ecological Systems frameworks versus more static checklists, and suggest that research on ecosystem services and poverty alleviation would be well served by a new framework distilling insights from the frameworks we review.  相似文献   

Coastal fisheries in Nha Phu lagoon, Vietnam, have encountered dramatic transformation in recent decades. Socio-economic and environmental impacts are examined through the case of fish corrals. The intensification and expansion of fish corrals has helped some households to enhance their income and livelihood assets. Technological and access-related changes associated with this transformation have also resulted in lower incomes, and even pushed poorer households into indebtedness by undermining their livelihood assets. The privatisation of common pool resources has also led to marginalisation of the poor, increasing inequality in access to natural resources and social differentiation, as not all households are able to benefit from the technological changes taking place, while access to natural resources is increasingly concentrated among the wealthier households who are driving this process. A range of measures are needed to alleviate poverty and promote more diverse sustainable livelihood development in fishing communities around the lagoon.  相似文献   
发展地理学视角下欠发达地区贫困的地方分异与治理   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
刘小鹏  李伟华  王鹏  王亚娟  程静  马存霞 《地理学报》2019,74(10):2108-2122
在梳理发展地理学的发展过程、基本理论、分析模式和方法的基础上,结合中国解决区域性整体贫困目标和可持续发展本地化与减贫的学术探索,构建了欠发达地区贫困的发展地理学分析框架,建立了由经济地理资本、社会地理资本、文化地理资本、生态地理资本和政治地理资本构成的“五位一体”地理资本指标体系,提出了数据处理集成方法和技术流程,系统分析欠发达地区贫困的地方分异与治理方案。实证研究显示:① 地理探测可以确定作用地方贫困的主导地理资本,各主导地理资本对贫困发生率的决定力LA, P ≥ 0.15;② 在不同主导地理资本作用下,5个单维地理资本指数及其合成的区域地理资本指数地方分异明显,存在阻隔和时滞特征;③ 贫困的地方分异可分为经济地理资本约束型、经济—社会地理资本约束型、经济—社会—生态地理资本约束型、经济—社会—文化—生态地理资本约束型4大类共7小类;④ 立足发展特征,挖掘地方动力,提出不同贫困分异类型的地方治理对策和模式。乡村振兴和2020年的减贫转向,应重视欠发达地区贫困的空间分异与空间扩散、空间整合的综合研究,为可持续发展本地化与减贫提供发展地理学解决方案。  相似文献   
旅游扶贫重点村空间可达性分布特征及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在国家提出乡村振兴和旅游扶贫政策的大背景下,为了发挥旅游交通在区域发展中的带动作用,为旅游扶贫重点村建设和加快区域脱贫提供理论依据,文章以湖北武陵山区258个旅游扶贫重点村为研究样本,运用栅格成本加权距离算法与地理加权回归模型(GWR)对其旅游交通可达性及影响因素在空间上影响程度及作用方向的差异进行了探究。研究发现:湖北武陵山区内旅游扶贫重点村的平均可达时间为1.82 h,区域整体可达性相对较差,出行成本较高;从自然及人文2个视角对旅游扶贫重点村可达性的影响因子进行提取,各个影响因子在区域上作用大小的排序为:距最邻近县市最短路径>高程>周边旅游资源禀赋>距河流最短距离>距周边景区最短距离>坡度,距河流最短距离及周边旅游资源禀赋与可达成本呈负相关关系,其余因素均与可达成本呈正相关关系;距周边景区最短距离与坡度值大小的单位变化对可达成本空间差异的影响不显著。  相似文献   
湖南省县域乡村反贫困绩效评价与空间分异特征   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
综合运用熵值法、地理探测器等方法,从基本生存绩效、自身发展绩效,县域扶贫绩效3个方面构建指标体系,对湖南省51个贫困县2017年反贫困绩效空间地域分异特征及其影响因素进行研究。结果表明:湖南省贫困农户一般能满足基本的生存需要;自身发展绩效水平得分较高的区域大多处于武陵源区、鹤城区等城市市区周围以及罗霄山片区,而雪峰山脉周围县市则普遍较低;县域扶贫绩效水平高的区域分布较为零散,大致位于各城区周围,而省城或西北的少数民族聚集区以及中南部绩效水平还有待提高。反贫困绩效总体上呈现出高、中、低3种绩效水平交替分布的空间特征,愈靠近武陵源区、鹤城区和长株潭地区的贫困县市,综合反贫困绩效水平愈高。县域发展情况是影响湖南省反贫困绩效的决定性因素,农户条件与乡村状况是基础性因素,自然条件是重要因素,各因子间交互作用的影响远大于单因子,不存在独立作用的因素,体现出湖南省反贫困绩效影响因素的复杂性特征。  相似文献   
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